As NeneGate School is a member of Meridian Trust, many policies relating to safeguarding, personnel and finance have been established by the Trust, whilst others are specific to NeneGate School and therefore are reviewed and revised by the NeneGate School Academy Council.
To view the following Meridian Trust policy details please use the following link: Meridian Trust Policies
To view the following Meridian Trust statement details please use the following link Equality, Modern Slavery, Trade Union Facility Reports:
NeneGate School Policies
Behaviour Policies
SEND policies
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
On the 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) updated Data Protection legislation in order to modernise laws that protect personal data and formed parts of the new Data Protection Act 2018.
The GDPR requires public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data, audit information we already hold and take a ‘secure by design’ approach to personal data. It also introduces new individual rights relating to personal data, such as the right to erasure or the right to rectification.
This means, amongst other things, that the data held about you must only be used for specific purpose allowed by law. We are therefore writing to tell you about the types of data held, why that data is held and with whom it may be shared.
How to find out more
Our Privacy Notices were updated with effect from the 25th May 2018 and you can view a copy of it at Meridian Trust GDPR, pick up a copy at any of our academy receptions or you can ask us to post a copy to you. If you require further information with regards to submitting a Subject Access Request, Freedom of Information or Reporting a Data Breach please use the following link; Report Data Breach
To view the following Meridian Trust policy details please use the following link: Meridian Trust Policies
- Anti-Bullying policy
- Attendance Policy
- Parental Charges and Remissions
- Remote Learning Policy
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- E-Safety Policy
- Examinations Policy and Procedure
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
- Meridian Trust Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
To view the following Meridian Trust statement details please use the following link Equality, Modern Slavery, Trade Union Facility Reports:
- Meridian Trust Public Sector Equality Duty Statement
NeneGate School Policies
- Uniform Policy
- Attendance Annex C
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
- The role of the DSL in schools
- Safeguarding & Child Protection statement
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
- Equalities Statement
- School Closure due to unforeseen circumstance
- Fire Safety, Evacuation and Lockdown Policy
- Non Smoking and e-cigarette Policy
- Premises Security Policy
- Risk Assessment Policy
Behaviour Policies
- Therapeutic Approach to Behaviour and Relationships policy
- Physical Restraint Guidance and Procedures
- Searching and confiscation guidance
- Guidance on pupils absconding from school
- Anti-Bullying Charter
SEND policies
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
On the 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) updated Data Protection legislation in order to modernise laws that protect personal data and formed parts of the new Data Protection Act 2018.
The GDPR requires public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data, audit information we already hold and take a ‘secure by design’ approach to personal data. It also introduces new individual rights relating to personal data, such as the right to erasure or the right to rectification.
This means, amongst other things, that the data held about you must only be used for specific purpose allowed by law. We are therefore writing to tell you about the types of data held, why that data is held and with whom it may be shared.
How to find out more
Our Privacy Notices were updated with effect from the 25th May 2018 and you can view a copy of it at Meridian Trust GDPR, pick up a copy at any of our academy receptions or you can ask us to post a copy to you. If you require further information with regards to submitting a Subject Access Request, Freedom of Information or Reporting a Data Breach please use the following link; Report Data Breach