Equalities Statement
Equalities Statement
The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 has three aims under the general duty for settings:
These guidelines incorporate issues concerning personnel management, as well as equality issues relating more specifically to children and parents/carers. It refers to all employees, including full-time, part-time, supply staff, trainees, governors, casual workers and volunteers as well as parents/carers and students.
Guiding principles
In fulfilling the legal obligations cited above, we are guided by these key principles:
1. All learners are of equal value. We see all learners and potential learners, and their parents and carers, as of equal value:
• whether or not they are disabled
• whatever their ethnicity, culture, national origin or national status
• whatever their gender and gender identity
• whatever their religious or non-religious affiliation or faith background
• whatever their sexual identity.
2. We recognise and respect difference. Treating people equally (Principle 1 above) does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must nevertheless take account of differences of life-experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barrier and disadvantage which people may face, in relation to:
• disability, so that reasonable adjustments are made
• ethnicity, so that different cultural backgrounds and experiences of prejudice are recognised
• gender, so that the different needs and experiences of girls and boys, and women and men, are recognised
• religion, belief or faith background
• sexual identity.
3.We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging. We intend that our policies, procedures and activities should promote:
• positive attitudes towards disabled people, good relations between people with disabilities and those without, and an absence of harassment of disabled people
• positive interaction, good relations and dialogue between groups and communities different from each other in terms of ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or national status, and an absence of prejudice-related bullying and incidents
• mutual respect and good relations between boys and girls, and women and men, and an absence of sexual and homophobic harassment.
4.We follow good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development and for those who work in a voluntary capacity. We ensure that policies and procedures should benefit all employees and potential employees, for example in recruitment and retention, continuing professional development, promotion, conditions of service, discipline and termination of employment:
• whether or not they are disabled
• whatever their ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or national status
• whatever their gender and sexual identity, and with full respect for legal rights relating to pregnancy and maternity.
5. We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist. In addition to avoiding or minimising possible negative impacts of our policies,
we take opportunities to maximise positive impacts by reducing and removing inequalities and barriers that may already exist between:
• people with disabilities and those without
• people of different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds
• girls and boys, women and men.
6. We intend that our policies and activities should benefit society as a whole, both locally and nationally, by fostering greater social cohesion, and greater participation in public life of:
• people with disabilities as well as those without
• people of a wide range of ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds
• both women and men, girls and boys
• people of all sexual identities.
Protected Characteristics
In relation to RACE the evidence we hold tells us:
• 87% of our students come from White British backgrounds, compared to 94% in 2022 – 2023. 11% come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds including Asian (Pakistani), Mixed White and Afro - Caribbean, Mixed White and Black African, Mixed White and Asian(2022 – 2023), 2% come from a White European background.
• Racist incident forms and procedures are in place; a total of 44 safeguarding concerns linked to racism or racist behaviour were recorded for the academic year 2022 – 2023, compared to 9 so far during the academic year 2023 – 2024.
• Observed behaviour in the school shows respect and tolerance towards people of all races amongst students, this is modelled by all adults.
• PSHE sessions involve discussions around difference and tolerance in our society, giving high profile and respect to different values and views within society. Through this we foster respect and interest in all students’ racial background and celebrate diversity and difference worldwide.
• Our curriculum covers different races and cultures and due respect and interest is given to the cultures within the school.
In relation to DISABILITY the evidence we hold tells us:
• 2% of our students at NeneGate School have physical disabilities. Students with physical disabilities take part in class activities and effectively differentiated learning opportunities to allow them to succeed and progress in line with expectations from their starting points.
• The school has an effective inclusion and Special Educational Needs Policy.
• The school has an accessibility plan.
In relation to SEX the evidence we have tells us:
• 86% of our current students are male (2023 - 2024) compared to 95% in 2022 - 2023
• Male and female staff are employed at the school, adverts welcome applications from either sex.
In relation to GENDER REASSIGNMENT the evidence we have tells us:
• The recruitment policy has guidance on recruitment on grounds of ability to carry out the vacant post which the school follows.
• No data is recorded on gender reassignment in the school therefore the potential for victimisation is minimised.
In relation to PREGNANCY AND MATERNITY the evidence we have tells us:
• We give staff on maternity leave or who are pregnant the same rights as other staff and include them in relevant school information during leave.
• The school’s policies include flexibility in staff absence in view of childcare and parenting emergencies.
• We support staff wishing to take paternity or adoption leave.
In relation to AGE the evidence we have tells us:
• Staff range in age from 17 to 67
• We follow our recruitment policy and Equality and Diversity policies.
• We use the EPM portal and local sources of advertising for posts.
• The school returns the relevant monitoring forms.
In relation to RELIGION AND BELIEF the evidence we have tells us:
• The school welcomes students and families of all religions equally.
• The school does not hold performance data on groups of religious nature.
• Through the PSHE programme and Core curriculum the school offers opportunities for students to discuss the diversity of beliefs, people’s rights to their own beliefs, as well as encouraging students to reflect on their own and others’ beliefs and reasons for their actions.
• All students and staff are given equal value independent of their personal belief or religion.
• Due regard is given to different religions’ celebration days and events.
• Every effort is made to include awareness, tolerance and understanding of a wide range of religions in the curriculum as well as in assemblies.
In relation to SEXUAL ORIENTATION the evidence we have tells us:
• No data about the sexual orientation of staff or parents is collected in school,
therefore there is no potential for victimisation.
• Correspondence is addressed to ‘Parent/Carer of name of child’ so that there is total equality of treatment of all family situations.
• Students are taught the differences between the sexes and that some people are of different sexual orientations than others and that is acceptable in our society.
In relation to MARRIAGE AND CIVIL PARTNERSHIP the evidence we have tells us:
• We have a range of different partnerships within the staff and all are respected for their own arrangements.
• Students are taught that there are different family units and differences are explained and celebrated within the PSHE schemes and in the wider curriculum.
At NeneGate School we want to promote Equality and Diversity through our objectives:
1.To further develop the understanding of staff, students, parents, and other members of the community regarding different races and customs and to foster good relations;
2. To raise staff awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ rights and ensure that they are able to offer informed education and support; to ensure that all pupils understand and respect the individual rights and freedoms that people have to express their gender and sexual identity and to be in a loving relationship with a person of any or no gender and / or sexuality.;
3. To ensure that the school ‘My Voyage’ curriculum is used to promote equalities and that the education provision planned is adapted for the four different curriculum flows.
The school maintains good relations and consults with the trade unions, locally and regionally on matters of equality and diversity.
All students and staff receive appropriate training in the protected characteristics and how to raise a concern or make a complaint about discrimination
The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 has three aims under the general duty for settings:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. By removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
These guidelines incorporate issues concerning personnel management, as well as equality issues relating more specifically to children and parents/carers. It refers to all employees, including full-time, part-time, supply staff, trainees, governors, casual workers and volunteers as well as parents/carers and students.
Guiding principles
In fulfilling the legal obligations cited above, we are guided by these key principles:
1. All learners are of equal value. We see all learners and potential learners, and their parents and carers, as of equal value:
• whether or not they are disabled
• whatever their ethnicity, culture, national origin or national status
• whatever their gender and gender identity
• whatever their religious or non-religious affiliation or faith background
• whatever their sexual identity.
2. We recognise and respect difference. Treating people equally (Principle 1 above) does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must nevertheless take account of differences of life-experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barrier and disadvantage which people may face, in relation to:
• disability, so that reasonable adjustments are made
• ethnicity, so that different cultural backgrounds and experiences of prejudice are recognised
• gender, so that the different needs and experiences of girls and boys, and women and men, are recognised
• religion, belief or faith background
• sexual identity.
3.We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging. We intend that our policies, procedures and activities should promote:
• positive attitudes towards disabled people, good relations between people with disabilities and those without, and an absence of harassment of disabled people
• positive interaction, good relations and dialogue between groups and communities different from each other in terms of ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or national status, and an absence of prejudice-related bullying and incidents
• mutual respect and good relations between boys and girls, and women and men, and an absence of sexual and homophobic harassment.
4.We follow good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development and for those who work in a voluntary capacity. We ensure that policies and procedures should benefit all employees and potential employees, for example in recruitment and retention, continuing professional development, promotion, conditions of service, discipline and termination of employment:
• whether or not they are disabled
• whatever their ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or national status
• whatever their gender and sexual identity, and with full respect for legal rights relating to pregnancy and maternity.
5. We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist. In addition to avoiding or minimising possible negative impacts of our policies,
we take opportunities to maximise positive impacts by reducing and removing inequalities and barriers that may already exist between:
• people with disabilities and those without
• people of different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds
• girls and boys, women and men.
6. We intend that our policies and activities should benefit society as a whole, both locally and nationally, by fostering greater social cohesion, and greater participation in public life of:
• people with disabilities as well as those without
• people of a wide range of ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds
• both women and men, girls and boys
• people of all sexual identities.
Protected Characteristics
In relation to RACE the evidence we hold tells us:
• 87% of our students come from White British backgrounds, compared to 94% in 2022 – 2023. 11% come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds including Asian (Pakistani), Mixed White and Afro - Caribbean, Mixed White and Black African, Mixed White and Asian(2022 – 2023), 2% come from a White European background.
• Racist incident forms and procedures are in place; a total of 44 safeguarding concerns linked to racism or racist behaviour were recorded for the academic year 2022 – 2023, compared to 9 so far during the academic year 2023 – 2024.
• Observed behaviour in the school shows respect and tolerance towards people of all races amongst students, this is modelled by all adults.
• PSHE sessions involve discussions around difference and tolerance in our society, giving high profile and respect to different values and views within society. Through this we foster respect and interest in all students’ racial background and celebrate diversity and difference worldwide.
• Our curriculum covers different races and cultures and due respect and interest is given to the cultures within the school.
In relation to DISABILITY the evidence we hold tells us:
• 2% of our students at NeneGate School have physical disabilities. Students with physical disabilities take part in class activities and effectively differentiated learning opportunities to allow them to succeed and progress in line with expectations from their starting points.
• The school has an effective inclusion and Special Educational Needs Policy.
• The school has an accessibility plan.
In relation to SEX the evidence we have tells us:
• 86% of our current students are male (2023 - 2024) compared to 95% in 2022 - 2023
• Male and female staff are employed at the school, adverts welcome applications from either sex.
In relation to GENDER REASSIGNMENT the evidence we have tells us:
• The recruitment policy has guidance on recruitment on grounds of ability to carry out the vacant post which the school follows.
• No data is recorded on gender reassignment in the school therefore the potential for victimisation is minimised.
In relation to PREGNANCY AND MATERNITY the evidence we have tells us:
• We give staff on maternity leave or who are pregnant the same rights as other staff and include them in relevant school information during leave.
• The school’s policies include flexibility in staff absence in view of childcare and parenting emergencies.
• We support staff wishing to take paternity or adoption leave.
In relation to AGE the evidence we have tells us:
• Staff range in age from 17 to 67
• We follow our recruitment policy and Equality and Diversity policies.
• We use the EPM portal and local sources of advertising for posts.
• The school returns the relevant monitoring forms.
In relation to RELIGION AND BELIEF the evidence we have tells us:
• The school welcomes students and families of all religions equally.
• The school does not hold performance data on groups of religious nature.
• Through the PSHE programme and Core curriculum the school offers opportunities for students to discuss the diversity of beliefs, people’s rights to their own beliefs, as well as encouraging students to reflect on their own and others’ beliefs and reasons for their actions.
• All students and staff are given equal value independent of their personal belief or religion.
• Due regard is given to different religions’ celebration days and events.
• Every effort is made to include awareness, tolerance and understanding of a wide range of religions in the curriculum as well as in assemblies.
In relation to SEXUAL ORIENTATION the evidence we have tells us:
• No data about the sexual orientation of staff or parents is collected in school,
therefore there is no potential for victimisation.
• Correspondence is addressed to ‘Parent/Carer of name of child’ so that there is total equality of treatment of all family situations.
• Students are taught the differences between the sexes and that some people are of different sexual orientations than others and that is acceptable in our society.
In relation to MARRIAGE AND CIVIL PARTNERSHIP the evidence we have tells us:
• We have a range of different partnerships within the staff and all are respected for their own arrangements.
• Students are taught that there are different family units and differences are explained and celebrated within the PSHE schemes and in the wider curriculum.
At NeneGate School we want to promote Equality and Diversity through our objectives:
1.To further develop the understanding of staff, students, parents, and other members of the community regarding different races and customs and to foster good relations;
2. To raise staff awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ rights and ensure that they are able to offer informed education and support; to ensure that all pupils understand and respect the individual rights and freedoms that people have to express their gender and sexual identity and to be in a loving relationship with a person of any or no gender and / or sexuality.;
3. To ensure that the school ‘My Voyage’ curriculum is used to promote equalities and that the education provision planned is adapted for the four different curriculum flows.
The school maintains good relations and consults with the trade unions, locally and regionally on matters of equality and diversity.
All students and staff receive appropriate training in the protected characteristics and how to raise a concern or make a complaint about discrimination