Remote Learning
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency for students and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. To access this information, please click here.
During the period of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?
At NeneGate School we teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subject.
To view the parents guide to remote learning and how to access the curriculum , please click here
To view the remote learning policy , please click here
During the period of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?
At NeneGate School we teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subject.
To view the parents guide to remote learning and how to access the curriculum , please click here
To view the remote learning policy , please click here
To access the schools remote learning curriculum click on your tutor link below
Tiger's Remote Learning Home Page Phoenix's Remote Learning Home Page |